Find Your Life Within Rhythm

  • Harmony in all Relations.

  • Explore your sexuality.

  • Explore your spirituality.

  • Attain goals, improve performance and achieve results.

  • Accountability at your side.

  • Expand and contract habits and behaviors toward the most desired outcome.

  • Keep an inspired and maintained focus.

  • Experience presence.

  • Exit trauma loops.

  • Discipline in a new way.

  • Tend to internal and external matters.

  • Experience higher heights and higher lows and ultimately finding your “Sweet Spot”.

Coaching Package

One on One 60min coaching sessions. We’ll meet in person or over the phone, once a week until our work together is complete. Because of the 60min nature of these sessions, we’ll be efficient, direct and wildly ambitious. Short and concise weekly sessions will provide a strong foundation of consistency; the Golden Rule of Discipline.

Let’s launch you into Cosmic Stardom!

“Every situation has possibilities and people really do have the power of choice in their lives” CTI

“Dream lofty dreams, and as we dream, so shall we become. Our Vision is the promise of what we shall one day be; our Ideal is the prophecy of what we shall at last unveil.” James Allen

“The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn; the bird waits in the egg; and in the highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities.” James Allen