Wellness Easy

  • Are you out of control?

  • Are you confused, from listening to every diet and food expert?

  • Are you still overweight, bloated and uncomfortable in your body?

  • Do you crave the discipline necessary to reach your ideal target weight and wellness goals?

  • Are your loved ones concerned?

  • Do you want to reduce inflammation, bloat, and lose 20lb or 50lb?

  • Are these changes prescribed by your doctor?

  • And yet you still struggle for success?

Let’s Make a Switch!

This coaching relationship is for you who wants to improve their sense of health. Who struggles to lose weight and keep it off. Who falls prey to habits and behaviors that destroy progress. This work will be some of the toughest personal work you will ever do in your life. This is not a quest to loss weight but a quest to dive deep into old habits, behaviors and patterns of trauma. And thus, the sustained outcome is a most beautiful journey!

One on One 60min coaching sessions. We’ll meet in person or over the phone, once a week until our work together is complete. Because of the 60min nature of these sessions, we’ll be efficient, direct and wildly ambitious. Short and concise weekly sessions will provide a strong foundation of consistency; the Golden Rule of Discipline.

  • Let’s start easy, with what you know.

  • What have the experts told you?

  • What health concerns do you have?

  • How does your body respond to certain foods?

  • When do you feel energized or lethargic?

  • What are your current habits and behaviors around eating?

  • How often are you moving and in what kind of ways?

  • In order to change anything we need to fully recognize what you know, where you’ve succeeded and where you have failed.

  • We’ll move at your pace but quickly move you toward sustained habits and behaviors that will support your wellness.

  • We’ll quickly move your attention to a Whole Food plan while steering you away from the Standard American Diet (SAD).

  • We’ll evaluate your movement plan and adopt necessary changes.

  • And finally we’ll play and adopt concepts of Ketosis and Intermittent Fasting. Deepening your experience of truly feeling hungry and satiated is one major key to lasting success.